“Music is the weapon.” Fela Kuti La musique est un langage universel, direct, complet. Traversant le temps et l’espace, elle est génératrice de puissantes images : une musique peut entraîner la joie, la mise en mouvement du corps, ou conduire la révolution de tout un peuple. Encelade produit une musique électronique aux frontières du trip-hop, de l’ambient, Read More ...
Les vidéos présentées ici sont des montages réalisés à base de contenu pour partie produit, et pour partie trouvé sur Internet, avec obtention explicite des droits pour certains d’entre eux, ou application des règles d’utilisation telles qu’elles ont été comprises après discussions avec des professionnels du milieu, et en l’absence de contact trouvé ou de Read More ...
Les Mesures de l’Ame (2013) Nouvelle d’anticipation, tendance cyberpunk. Un tueur en série, la technoscience et l’âme humaine à New Berlin. Texte intégral ici. p L’Alambic (2013) Nouvelle d’anticipation, entre transhumanisme et cyberpunk. En 2050, la Supranation jouit de nouveaux plaisirs grâce aux “améliorations” issues de la technoscience. Texte intégral ici. p Chronique Vinyl (2013) Une Read More ...
Des Géants à Saturne Dans la mythologie grecque, Encelade est un des Géants, fils de Gaïa (la Terre), fertilisée par le sang d’Ouranos (le Ciel et la Vie) après que ce dernier ait été castré par Cronos, le roi des Titans – un des propres fils d’Ouranos. Cronos fit emprisonner tous les frères et soeurs d’Ouranos, les Hécatonchires et les Cyclopes, au sein du Tartare. Read More ...
From Giants to Saturn
In Greek mythology, Encelade is a Giant, son of Gaïa (the Earth), fertilized by the blood of Ouranos (both Sky and Life) after his castration by Cronos, king of Titans – one of Ouranos’s own son.
Cronos jailed all sisters and brothers of Ouranos, the Hecatonchires and the Cyclops, inside of Tartarus. To avoid Ouranos’s curse (when Cronos’s son will be adult, he will also turn against his father), Cronos swallowed all his children – but for one them, saved by his mother, Rhea : Zeus.
When in adulthood, Zeus decided to free his sisters and brothers, and to take revenge of his father. He succeeded in giving a strong emetic to Cronos, who regurgitated all his children. The children all rebelled straight away against their father. War broke out. Cronos called the Titans for help ; Zeus had support from all Cronos’s prisoners he liberated, and who become his allies during the Titanomachy. Conflict was won by Zeus’s side, the Olympians. Titans where in return jailed in Tartarus.
Gaïa, outraged by this imprisonment, declared war to the Gods of Olympus. She tolds Giants to rebell. Giants, of divine birth, could nevertheless be killed if they were hit by both a god and a human being. Gaïa gave then life to a grass allowing his children to be invisible to human’s eyes, and immortal to their strikes. This was the time of Gigantomanchy.
During war between Gods and Titans, Encelade deserted the battlefield and Athena shelled the Giant by throwing Sicily on him, where he was jailed under Etna mount. Giant’s breath made Etna volcanic eruptions, and his movements under the mount, earthquakes.
Encelade is also the name given to a natural satellite of Saturn, the planet with external rings. It rotates around Saturn, localized inside the thinner and more distant ring of all, called E-Ring.
Encelade is covered by a layer of blue reflects, similar to freash ice snow ; a thick layer, maybe of one hundred meters, which could underlay a vast liquid ocean.
This liquid water is suspected to go back to surface in powerfull geysers, that could have been iniatiors of Saturn E-Ring, and continuing to permanently feed it with particles.
Encelade is one of the four objects of our solar system (with Jupiter’s satellite Io, Neptune’s one Trion, and Earth) where eruptions or material ejections have been directly observed.
Massive amount of both liquid and solid water, cryovolcanism, both in our solar system, are properties making Encelade an extremely peculiar, and very promising, object for astrophysics : the three ingredients for life (heat, water and organic molecules) could be present on this celestial body.
For the author, Encelade perfectly symbolizes both beauty and power of the complexity surrounding us : wonderful equilibriums, fragile, lost in immensity of infinite space ; majestuous mecanisms, cosmic, producing the purest celestial clock machinery ; and Life’s principle, together again. A perfect sign of humility, and hope, for all our species.