
130 (2015)

Tribute to the victimes of Paris attacks. 
Refuse, resist.



A ton étoile (2015)

For Karine.


Bruit Blanc (2015)

Improvisation for the “Bruit Blanc” event at MCL de Metz, on 24th of january 2015. Very nice event, thanks to event planners !
Johann Perrin  : home-made and hacked instruments
Hervé Scialdo  : Elektron MachineDrum SPS-1
Encelade : Nebulophone, KaossPad & Monotron



Heterotopia (2015)

Heterotopia is an application made in Max environment.

Available for Windows and Mac OS, it has been developed for the “Cycles” installation, made by Franck Schweitzer.

Heterotopia creates a random sonic environement based on samples and FX all triggered following a simple stochastic (i.e. based on random parameters) process. Sample are played randomly, and FX, panoramic and volume evolve according to probabilites laws and values defined by the user.

Heterotopia can be used to product real-time moving moods supporting a soloist during a live improvisation, for example.

Heterotopia is freely downloadable.


Video                              Video game                                 Contest