Micro-sillon (2015)
Human-computer interaction and PureData development for the projects made by Micro-sillon, an association grouping entouthiasts for musical and techno-numerical productions based in Metz (France) in TCRM-Blida.
Micro-sillon aims at helping realization of projects needing different competences applied to sonic and musical context in numerical arts.
Serving local artistical network, Micro-sillon largely support the concepts of community, knowledge and know-how sharing, and collective production.

MIDI : Ecosystème et Processus de création musicale (2014)
Speech made for the Transmedia 3 meeting at Nancy, France (video). An introduction to MIDI protocol in music, untitled “MIDI : Ecosystem and Musical production process”, downloadable here (in French).
Meeting dedicated to professionals and amators in the field of video, audiovisuel and trans-media projects : movie maker, graphist, musician, technician, photographs, actors…
Workflow Four Tet (2014)
A short description of one of Four Tet‘s live workflow presented by himself in a video. The aim was listing the tools used, and the different operations made by the artist, his production modes in real time, to someone who wanted to have more details on the processus.
Workflow Four Tet (in French)
MidiJ (2012)
Idea is to export the MIDI protocol, initially designed for Computer Assisted Music, to Computer Assisted Science, to benefits from numerous advantages on workflow provided by this protocol ; for instance, a much complete and dynamic human-computer interaction allowing to drastically make the real-time data treatment process more fluid. Mouse and keyboard are completed by tactile (tablets) and tangible (3D, i.e. real knob) solutions, with a dynamic assignation between these new elements of control, and the software functionalities to drive.
A “midification” plugin for ImageJ, open-source software for scientific picture treatment, has been developed by the team. Named MidiJ, it is freely downloadable here.
A Max patch allowing compatibility between ImageJ and OSC protocol via MidiJ has also been developed.